ysUI Showroom

We love seeing what you use ysUI for.
This is the showroom where we share ysUI in action.

ysUI Icons
PureDarwin Desktop Concept

The PureDarwin OS recently set a new course for their project, including a GUI that uses ysUI Icons.

PureDarwin New Article ›
Pinta Sccreenshot
ysUI Icons
Pinta Icons on macOS

Pinta, the drawing and image editing app will be incorporating ysUI Icons on their macOS version.

Pinta GitHub Issue ›
ysUI Icons
PureDarwin Website

PureDarwin's website uses ysUI Icons for category icons.

PureDarwin Website ›
ysUI Icons
ReactOS Desktop Concept

ReactOS concept to replace Tango! Icons with ysUI Icons.

ReactOS GitHub Pull Request ›
ReactOS ysUI Icons Discussion ›